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September 21, 2009



Mmmm, Glenna, that looks amazing! I'm gonna have to try this one soon. Although, I'll have to leave out the curry though because we've discovered that I'm allergic to it :(

Denise in PA

Sounds great! This will definitely be on the list. By the way, we're trying the vodka marinated pork loin tonight - the marinade smelled wonderful!


If you got rid of the honey and added the skin back I'd be allowed to eat it, haha. Sounds delicious though, but at 10 carbs per serving, that's almost half my allowance right now and I'd MUCH rather spend it on veggies.

Fioricet Online

Hmmm. Oh my. That's looks delicious and full of flavor. I can't wait to make one and try it for myself. Thanks for sharing your recipe in creating this fine and sumptuous feast.


That's what I said.


Kimberly--It was soooo good. Really, give it a try when you can.

Denise--How did you like the pork roast????

Colleen--Really, it shouldn't not be on your diet becuase the only carb is the honey and that melts off except for a shiny glaze. My nutrition count book lists chicken legs as having 8 carb. ??? How can chicken have 8 carbs??? And then 2 from the honey per piece. It's only 3 Tbsp and that's over 8-12 pieces of chicken.

Hubby--Yep, and you said you liked it!

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