Auntie Miranda went with friends to The Keeter Center in Branson for dinner the night before last night. The Keeter Center is the small hotel and dining room run by the Hospitality Dept of School of the Ozarks. And run very well. We have a respiratory conference down there that's dynamite as a conference and The Keeter Center as a venue is superb.
In the dining room, Auntie chose this Caprese salad with fresh red and pickled green tomatoes. She said she took one bite, rolled her eyes in delight, and said to the waiter "Can I get one of these to go?" I went to bed early that night but it was waiting for me in the fridge when i got up the next day.
Wow. I don't know how much better it could have been fresh because it was still incredibly fresh, crispy, and wonderful the next day. This is definitely a do at home thing too. I know you can buy green tomato pickles, or even better would be to can them from the garden. I'm thinking even fresh green tomatoes mixed with red tomatoes and fresh mozzarella would be wonderful fresh out of the garden....maybe drizzle a little honey across the top with the olive oil and balsamic vinegar to add that sweetness from the pickling syrup.
Thanks Aunti Miranda! What a lovely and healthy lunch. We'll definitely be working on a home recipe for this one!