A few months ago, I told you about when my friend Carol's husband, Paul, died. It was so unexpected, such a shock that we were all stunned. What do you do? Flowers seemed so little and we all stood by, helpless to help Carol. In a fit of being...well...me, I ordered a huge gourmet cheesecake and had it delivered with a note that read "F*** flowers, you need cheesecake!" Carol's daughter called to tell me it was the first smile she'd seen on her mom's face in 24 hours.
That's become a tradition in our circle of friends and, unfortunately, now it's my turn. My wonderful grandmother, who defies all description because there is nothing I could possibly write to express how much I loved, admired, and cherished this woman, passed away at Christmas. I'm not even going to try to eulogize her. As cliched as this is, it truly was like taking away a piece of my heart, the piece that can talk about her.
Generously, and completely unexpectedly, I received a box a couple of days later from my friend Cindy in Rhode Island. What did it contain? She pulled the Carousel Cakes info from my blog and ordered--a cheesecake.
I'm smiling even as I write this. It was such a lovely thing to do because at times like these, f*** flowers, I needed cheesecake! Thank you Cindy. I am moved by your kindness and it did make me smile too.