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November 07, 2008



I have a similar recipe and I swear by it.
Makes lovely biscuits!
Niffty book!


They like to be in your tummy too.

Deborah Dowd

These biscuits are so light but have that yeasty taste of a roll- no wonder they are named after angels!


How neat that you got to work on the brunch :). Those biscuits look so delicious, definitely restaurant-worthy :)!


Tanna--I think that's one of those recipes a lot of have one version or another of and once we get it we think "where has this been all my life?" It's a real workhorse recipe.

Gene--Thanks, baby!

Deborah--yes, exactly, such a nice combination of the two bread types!

Sophie--It was a wonderful memory and part of history to me.


I always make homemade rolls for the holidays. I think I'm going to have to try these because they look sooooo yummy!


Kimberly--Let me know what you think!

Crescent Dragonwagon

Hi, Glenna --- did you know I live in Vermont now? I have a Google Alert so when someone mentions my name or books, they pop up in my in-box, and holy cannoli,there you were. Those days (DHH et al) seem almost dreamlike to me, mostly I suppose because Ned is no longer in life (as I assume you know --- we;re coming to 7th anniversary of his death, just passed what would have been our 30th wedding anniversary). But, I guess we're all remembering the Inaugural now, now that we have cause for celebration once again, at terribly long last... Change of topic: would you like me to have my publisher send you a review copy of my most recent cookbook, The Cornbread Gospels? E me your snailmail address, and it shall be done. I;m at cdragonwagonATgmailDOTcom. Hope you and Gene are well and happy and doing work that satisfies and pleases you.


hey Crescent---Nice to hear from you! I'll write you privately....


Ooh, Glenna, I can taste those!


Thanks, Mimi! I appreciate that.

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