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December 27, 2007



Oh, my! You really MUST do something other than just omit the raisins! We've done them with pineapple & mango, to make more of a tropical fruitcake, and have tried all SORTS of dried fruits! No matter what, we don't leave out the orange & lemon zest, diced, as that's just got to be one of the best bits! It's something that we've been doing for several years now, and we're tracking down fellow bloggers in the UK to gift them with fruitcake, as the idea of eating several all by ourselves is just ... well, frightening, as they're SO rich!

I'm so glad that you've gotten into this. Check out Alton Brown's recipe at http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/cda/recipe_print/0,1946,FOOD_9936_8157_PRINT-RECIPE-FULL-PAGE,00.html & you'll have the basic idea of where we start. We macerate our fruit in vodka overnight, and we bake the cakes around the middle of November, to give them time to absorb a nice, sweet port wine. After they've taken an entire bottle (using a spray bottle), we tuck them into the fridge to age properly, and they're ready for Christmas.



Glenna you really have a sweet heart!!
What I joy to be able to change your mind on fruit cake. May have to try one like this.


Yay! I'm so pleased that the cake worked out so well for you :D And now you've started another family tradition....

PS. The knife set looks awesome! What a fantastic gift!


David--Oh I love the sound of all of those variations. Next year I'll be playing around with it much more too. Maybe even making some as gifts. People were very excited about having a fruitcake that tasted really good!

Tanna--That's part of what I love about blogging. We can experiment and share our results and thoughts with our foodie friends who really understand.

Angela--YOU are the one who really inspired me on this one so THANK YOU!


The cake looks fabulous! And I totally understand the squeals of delight over the knives! Great knives are a wonderful thing!


The knives are fab, and the person who gave them to you must be as well...what lovely taste! Of COURSE that is a great prezzie for a cook! :-)


Sher--Totally agree! The knives are so cool. It makes chopping fun!

Nashbabe--Yes, I think the hubby was a little intuitive on that one!


hi there, this was delicious!!! your brother brought some into work!!!!!


Lacey--Hey, thanks for telling me! There wasn't much left this year but I promise I'll bake more and bigger next year!

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