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September 21, 2007



How fun! And the food looks great!


I've heard they have the "original" Springfield cashew chicken. Hmm, I'll have to check it out sometime. That chicken with lemon terragon sauce looks AMAZING!


my mom, brother & i used to do a once-a-month dinner. we took turns either making dinner or picking a restaurant. i really miss that! but, having mom in st. louis, me in KC & bro near denver... it doesn't work out too well! i'm jealous.


All the dishes sound really yummy. I've not had pah thai in aaaages! Planning on eating my full of it when I head to the US soon. :D


Deborah--Thanks so much!

Rachel--You need to go. The cashew chicken IS the original and everything on the menu is great. It's a beautiful room too. Let me know if/when you go

Candy--LOL! Ummm...yeah, a bit of a commute for dinner, eh? But yeah, I know what you mean. For years we used to have a weekly luncheon at my grandmother's and it was such a nice way to keep the family together.



Damn you!!! Now I'm starving!

Deborah Dowd

I'm with you! I am a pad thai addict and I don't need (or want) a twelve step program for that!


I really love Pad Thai and that version looks spectacular!!


Sher--Well come into town on any Wednesday...

Deborah--I agree. But if we start the program it means we can't have it...and we can't have that!

Kate--Thank you. It was delicious.

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