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August 28, 2007



I have never had these buns before, but they look and sound very tasty!! I was having one of those nights last night too, and my cooking reflected my bad night!!!


Well, kiddo, I'd be very happy with those buns! I think yours are better looking than the other.
I hope the knee/fluid problem is resolved soon for you.


They look great Glenna, much better baked than the other photo!! The other one looks fake:)



these sound awesome! when i was searching for scandinavian dishes, i didn't see this one. but i will definitely have to try it soon!

i'm the oldest (and only, actually) girl too but i'm not sure about the candles on the head thing. i like my hair :)


They look lovely :-)

I hope you got my entry :-)


Deborah--I hate it when that happens, don't you? Just like I hate it when inanimate objects refuse to behave. Annoying!

Tanna--Thanks so much for both the compliment and the well wishes.

Mansi--Oh you're very sweet but it'sokay. I know mine are overbaked--I forgot them! LOL!

Candy--We'll have to remember to make them on December 13th. It would be fun if we both did it.

Raaga--Thank you so much and I'm sure I did...I'll go check and email you if I didn't.



I hope you don't mind a new visitor to your blog. I am Swedish and I bake quite a lot of saffronbuns come december, and I wanted to let you know that here we usually bake them at high heat (225 degrees celcius) and only for 5-8 minutes maximum. I don't know if your ovens are a bit differently constructed or so.. but try cutting the time down with a few minutes atleast.. will help with the color. The poofed up raisins i have no idea about.. never seen that happening before lol. But I always pick them out of the bun before eating them anyway...

Also, I never use water in the egg-glace.. just a slightly whipped egg.. painted all over the bun.
You shape yours prettier than me though ;). I prefer making saffroncakes.. less work.


Oh.. I just read that you sprincle it with sugar? That's what is giving the overdark color. :) We don't do that.

... well i might next time.. sounds good ;)


Salmiak--Thank you for all of the hints! I really appreciate the help. Loved the thing about not eating the raisins. Yep, I picked mine off too, especially since they baked so weird. Don't mind the advice at all. I really appreciate it. I'll try it your way next time.

Susan from Food Blogga

These sound great, Glenna. I'll be happy to take those demonic raisins off your hands. ;)Hope you're knees are better soon!


Susan--Thanks for the well wishes and the offer. You can have the raisins off my buns anytime. Wait, that sounded sort of ...weird...:-)


They're beautiful! Hope they tasted as good!


Thanks, David!


One of my all time favorite ethnic recipes is bohemian Christmas Bread. It's super easy just remember you need to use a bread machine for this recipe. It's just:
1 tsp active dry yeast
2 cups bread flour
1/2 tsp dried lemon peel
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup warm milk
1 1/2 oz warm water
3 tbsp chopped almonds
2 1/2 tbsp raisins
You just load all of the ingreadients into the bread machine after mixing them together, start it up according to the machine and at the end of the cycle add the almonds and rasins. For a twist in the recipe add 1 and a half teaspoons of cinnamon to the mix. Enjoy it for it is delicious!!


hi i just read a book about life

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