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April 27, 2007



This looks delicious! I agree with you that the most familiar recipes are the hardest to get down in solid measurements and steps--being too close to the subject always makes something hard to write about. Anyway, on this stove-top version, it sounds like making a frittata (Italian omelet)--I use a large plate to flip it out of the pan and then slide it back in.


What wonderful thoughts go into that cornbread!
I'm a 'northerner'. My mother made yellow cornbread, but usually referred to it as 'johhny cake'. No bacon, no pepper. But she did always have a jar of bacon grease on the stove (or fridge) to use for cooking...


That would be nearly all my recipes.

I love cornmeal, but cornbread only occasionally. But more than anything, I love "family" food. My grandmother is one of the worst cooks ever, but it makes for good stories, if not appetizing meals.

Thanks for sharing.


An omelette pan on the stovetop is a very clever idea. I've always loved cornbread in a pan rather than muffins; it's old-fashioned and homey. I make it in a beaten up old cast iron skillet, but would like to try it this way, too. Thanks for the very dear story.


I am going to show my ignorance here, but what exactly is an omelet pan? It looks from the photo like a pan with a partition, but how do you get a seamless foldover from that? Or do they make two separate omelets?


Sognatrice--Thanks for commenting. Like a frittata--sort of, except you flip the whole pan instead of just what's inside it...

Katie--Ahhh...the jar of bacon grease. I remember it well. :-) You get extra credit points for that!

Kt--I hear you. I love comfort food too. And you're right. Even bad food makes for great family stories!

Susan--thanks! Yes, I have that cast iron skillet too but, you know, this is the perfect size for just Gene and I.

Tom--I added a better picture of an omelet pan and a link to JC Penney. I'll let you in on a little secret: I've never made an omelet in an omelet pan. Ever. Don't have a clue how to get the foldover. I'm sure there were directions that came with it but I've long since thrown those away. To me, it's always been a "cornbread pan", my whole life. I have made poached eggs but that's the only eggs that have ever touched my cornbread pan. LOL!


My family bakes it in an old iron skillet, flipping it too. It makes the best crust! Yumm! Fabulous recipe, Glenna!! Makes me feel like I'm back in the Sout. But, come on! You know that your herb is bacon! Admit it, girl!


Sher--LOL! Yes, you're right. My real herb was bacon!


I have an omelette pan like that, but since I've gotten better at flipping them over myself, I don't use it as much any more. This sounds like a great family recipe, and I love the picture of you and Nannie. WHB uses the honor system I suppose, so if you want to claim that bacon is an herb, who can possibly argue with you?


Kalyn--LOL! Okay, it's a official--bacon is an herb!


Thanks for sharing this recipe and family story with us. Seems I came across yet another great bread!! :)



Jane| loose green tea

This is fantastic, although I'm on a diet, this I have to try. Thanks a lot!

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