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March 29, 2007



That's terrific! I'm so glad you met him!! I envy you getting to eat the cashew chicken from the true source!!! Send me some, OK? :):)


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Auntie Miranda

It was SO good, Uncle Paul and I went back for dinner to try the Sweet and Sour Chicken. It was everything you said it was. Oh...and the Strawberry Scone topped with Pastry Cream and Strawberries Macerated in Grand Marnier was pretty easy to gobble gobble also. Sorry I didn't have my camera with me.


Sher--You got it!

Miranda--Oh yum!!!!!! We have to go back soon.


I've heard that the cashew chicken is awesome from Leong himself. In fact my parents go there all the time....gotta try it!


Rachel--very cool about your parents. I didn't even know Wing Lee was cheffing at Fire & Ice until that week. It's the best kept secret in town for the moment.


You'll have to try the vegan version sometime. We're not strictly vegan anymore... so we've had the "real deal" plenty of times now, but the vegan version did the trick to curb the cravings when we couldn't do the real thing... and, for all the vegans still out there it really is very, very close in taste and consistency!

Thanks for the link, and thanks for the validation it was (in fact) invented in Springfield. Of course you could've asked me and I would've told you that. :)


Hmmm...well since I'm leaning more towards vegetarianism....I'll definitely be trying your version!

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