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August 03, 2006



Funny story! And the soup looks GREAT! BTW though it can't be 0 fat given the sour cream / yogurt. I use a product called AccuChef for nutrition analysis ...


Alanna--you're absolutely right! I was just eating a bowl for breakfast and thought "Wait a minute--I didn't add in the counts for the sour cream and yogurt. They were both non-fat but I forgot to add in the calories, protein, and carbs. So there is a scant amount of fat but it's only about 1 gram per serving. Thanks for the catch!


I love the sound of this. Another recipe saved to del.icio.us.


Forgot to say, I loved the story about being scared to get married. I was that scared once, and I DIDN'T get married. No regrets, though.

Aunt Susan

Nope, wouldn't change the cake topper. You're still "Precious" to me.


I loved the pictures from the wedding. Thanks for posting them. Gee, I almost passed out when I got married too! Bob was fine. The soup looks delicious! Reminds of a gazpacho variation.


Kalyn--Now THAT sounds like the beginning of a story itself. You have our attention. Feel free to share. :-)

Auntie--Love you too!

Sher--you're right about it being very gazpacho-y. Funny about getting married. Everyone thinks it's the women who are hot to tie the knot but a lot of women I know were the more nervous ones.


i cannot believe what i'm seeing. that is the cRaZiEsT soup i think i've ever seen. plain bonkers. it definately sounds good though, i'm a big sucker for the cold and creamy.


yum! Glenna you've definitely got the food porn thing covered over here..you've been a busy woman with all this cooking!


I love the picture of you as a couple - it's like Gene is saying "I knew she would make it!"

The soup though - I bet it tastes good, but man, it looks like someone made a salad and topped it with pepto bismal. It might be my monitor though...


Aria--You have to try it once and you'll be hooked. It's so simple but that's what makes it good.

Jaay--LOL! Yes, lots of cooking, and since I didn't cook much while I was in respiratory school the last two years, Gene is LOVING it!

Rosie--EEEEWWWWW~! That's funny. I agree it is a little pink from the yogurt and tomatoes but I PROMISE it's fabulous. Hmmm...for WOBAT I could do a medicinal soup: herbs and pepto. What do you think?


Just wanted to let you know that I spotlighted this post for my South Beach Recipes of the Week, with your photo (with a photo credit for you, of course) and a link to your recipe. Please let me know if you have any thoughts about how I've done this.


Blegh!!! the thought of herbs and pepto makes my tummy churn! It's that ironic?!


Kayln--Thank you! It is a perfect diet food, diet as in calorie reduction and diet as in overall health!

Rosie--Yeah, that IS ironic, eh?

Lisa Morgan

Hi Glenna, great soup. I for one think it's pretty! I made "Andalusian gazpacho" last night...it must be the heat, right? Mmm, it was so cool and refreshing.

Sher tells me you're thinking of doing the Julia Child event...yay! I look forward to seeing what you make. No pressure, though. :)


Lisa--Would love to do the Julia Child! Am trying to decide what to prepare this weekend....

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