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August 18, 2006



Thanks for trying it with Splenda. I had your other balsamic syrup recipe bookmarked, but hadn't gotten around to trying it. (You know how those collections of recipes grow faster than your ability to try them!) I think this sounds fantastic. Wish I could come for dinner and try it!


Those tomatoes look GREAT!! (as Jeff grabs his salt shaker)


Well.......you certainly did better than me. I spent the day in Napa and Yountville, eating around 20,000 calories. But, your meal looks wonderful--so I'll try that and get back on track.


Kalyn--It works great! You've got to try it. It's one of my favorite sauces now. I could eat it on anything, it's so versatile.

Jeff--Yeah, no kidding! Yum!

Sher--Your trip to Napa was filled with great food, though. Hey, we can't live on "thin" food alone. How boring would that be? Sometimes you have to splurge. And just think of all the protein in that lemon pie meringue...


Glena that looks great.

I love using splenda. I will try this.

I can't wait!


Mmm, mmm, good. Many times those "came together sorta by accident" meals are the best, aren't they? Those tomatoes look like one I just had, gotten from the market this morning. If only summer tomatoes were forever...


glenna, don't we all need to eat this good regularly! this looks healthy and delish! great meal :-)


Coffeepot--Thanks! I was very leery of Splenda at first but I'm starting to be more and more of a believer as I use it.

Lisa--Yes, LOL. Ironic when some of our best moments are born out of laziness or by accident, huh?

Amanda--Should but don't and that's just being human! I laughed as I was reading Jennifer Weiner's new book Goodnight Nobody. There's a character who says she had just lasted 18 hours on South Beach beating her former record of 16 hours. I related.


Hi Glenna,
I'm featuring this recipe on my blog today as one of my South Beach friendly recipes of the week. It includes your photo (with a photo credit for you, of course) and a link to the recipe. Let me know if you have any thoughts about me using the recipe.


Kalyn, be my guest! It's a nice recipe and it's perfect for dieters, or anyone, for that matter. Enjoy!

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