After a January hand (swelling) and brain (feels like swelling) knitting hiatus following the big Halloween and Christmas knitting push, I'm back! Starting off the new year, I'm picking up the needles for a little something different. Going back to one of my favorite TV-watching easy two needle patterns for over-the-top cute dress 'em up or dress 'em down bears.
We have several pregnant ladies in our department at work with summer due dates and I like to a keep a few of these on hand for other special Littles. The great thing about the bear is that you can work in just about any yarn or any sized yarn, any sized (appropriate for the yarn) needles, and can customize them with ribbons and or little heart patches on the chest, embroidered faces, etc.
I've been using up specifically some balls of yarn I have from Lion Brand Heartland and some baby chenille yarn that I don't remember the label on, in a chunky size but with size 5 needles to get a nicely tight woven fabric. The finish out about 8-10" tall. They're perfect for personal use, NICU siblings, Pediatric patients, ER's, Fire stations, etc.
Charity Bears: Bear Pair Teddy Bears