Coming (tonight!) to a NICU near me: Happy Halloween!
I just love these little guys. On the screen and translated into hats, Minions are just the cutest of the cuties!
New this year: Cabbage Patch doll hats. How can they not make you smile?
(In these colors they also double as Wendy from Wendy's and Dora the Explorer).
Black and white witch's hat for Halloween seem a little boring? Maybe. But when you turn out the lights......Glows-ville, my little Preemie friends!
Spider-pig, Spider-pig... (too much Simpsons watching). Okay Batman and Spiderman! (Didn't get a pic but Spidey's eyes glow too. Bwahahahaha!
Dude, what's Halloween without Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Ghostie with a double "Boo!" white in the light and green glow in the dark.
Punpkins for our Punkins!
And Jack's face glows in the dark (he also has little matching mitts stuff inside).
Also new this year: Hershey's Kisses hats.
Candy corn anyone?
The cutest little (large preemie/newborn sized) black cat in the neighborhood.
Also, very special Halloween souvenirs for our Preemies to commemorate their first Halloween. Made from salt dough by NICU grad Jude from Northwest Arkansas. Huge hugs and thank yous to Jude and his mom, Lisa, for sharing their Halloween with us!
And then last, but not least, a bag full of preemie leg warmers, mitts, and socks made here and there from leftover yarn.
Happy Halloween to Everyone!