Whew! This has been one long year! I don't know about you but I am so ready to start a new year, new beginning, new chapter in life, new...everything!
Due to health problems this year, I've had to cut way back on my knitting which breaks my heart but we all have to do what we have to do and can only do what we can. If that makes sense. Huge thank you's to Auntie Miranda who helped me finish 32 hats this year for Christmas in the NICU (we had some design duplicates)!
Even though I've had to cut back, I'm determined to keep designing and writing up the patterns for lots of hats I've made on the fly in the past (including the Hershey's Kisses hat), just please be patient. My hands and my health (which is better than it was) "ain't" what it used to be.
Hope everyone had the Merriest of Christmases and may we all have the Happiest of New Years!
With Knitting Love,